
no dating until you're 30, unless...

elle got her first roses from micah dock. jeff and emily dock are good friends from high school and college and we're hoping that elle and micah take to one another when they get older. of course that means we'd be paying for the wedding, who cares at least we'd like her in-laws.
elle's other prospects are the twins...ethan and garrett. she likes the older boys! we'd be happy with either boy and set of in-laws. who agrees with arranged marriages? they can't be all that bad!


  1. ha ha, you make me laugh Emily! This is great. And I don't think you're getting ahead of yourself at all! :) I hope everything has been going really well! Love the pictures, keep em coming! If you have time of course. :)

  2. ok so just noticed, you might want to be a little cautious of Garrett...he's mega drooling already. Not sure that's what you had in mind. :)
