
we made it...

now what?

our first week here was a bit of a blur, from unpacking luggage to grocery shopping, to checking out all the new local sites (plenty of beach days) - including finding the hospital ER in the early morning! Not the fun part of our first week. Beckett's ear continued to be a bother and woke us up in the middle of the night. We finally decided to take him into the ER since we were't sure when we'd get into a Dr. 

so what's different?

well of course there is driving on the "other" side of the road and car! within the first few days I went out with Josh and "gave it a go" (an aussie phrase). turned the wipers on many times instead of the blinker...oops. it's hard to change 30+ years of being trained to look to the left first...now it's look right first. 

other things that are a little different is that we're in the "city" no more country roads or small traffic back-ups. it's a busy city and everything is packed in close together. everyone wants to be close to the coast. there are tons of shops, restaurants and coffee shops all tucked into little spots and along the many little downtowns...and they are ALL busy! 

the work-life balance is different here. there is more emphasis on "life" family than we feel in the states. it feels like there is a more laid back mentality...get your work done and then play and enjoy your playtime! we are looking forward enjoying this mentality and take part in "holidays"!!

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