ellington virginia
beckett warren
i'd say they look a lot alike...don't you?
sisters will...
sisters will lay on with you on your play mat and hold your hand
sisters will teach you patty cake
sisters will {shove} a paci in your mouth, whether you're crying or not
sisters will share their blankie and then ask for it back
sisters will call you "baby" most of the time or "brudder"
sisters will...eventually love that you join in the chasing of tackle
brothers will...
brothers will endure their older sister until they can move or scream
brothers will sleep through their sisters {loud} talking
brothers will let their older sister hold them
brothers will...eventually cause trouble for their sisters
what will the future bring for these two?
growing up with a sister and two brothers i can't wait to see how their relationship unfolds. they will be the best and worst of friends at times
but hopefully they will always show each other LOVE
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